Carbon microelectrodes for electrochemistry and biosensor applications
Our CFE, CDE and CDDE series carbon microelectrodes are specifically developed for electrochemical measurements such as amperometry or fast-scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV) as well as they can provide excellent base electrodes in micro-biosensor applications. These microelectrodes are manufactured by a unique dry fabrication method so their storage and shipping over great distances are safe. The lead element carbon fibers are encapsulated in thick borosilicate glass for durable mechanical support and electrical insulation. An exceptional hermetic seal between the carbon core and the glass sheathing allows usage of these electrodes in any environment. Microelec- trodes are manufactured using two sizes and types of carbon fibers as shown on the respective data sheets.
Mating female sockets are provided for electrical connection in each shipment or use our adaptors that allow a convenient and space-saving connection to a variety of headstage amplifiers.
Custom modifications of the standard models are possible for an extra fee. Send in your sketch for a price quote
CFE series carbon fiber microelectrodes
CFE10100 Carbon tip: 10 μm x 100 μm (diam. x length)
CFE34200 Carbon tip: 34 μm x 200 μm (diam. x lenght)
The thick borosilicate glass sheathing makes these microelectrodes almost unbreakable. for durable mechanical support and electrical insulation. A unique hermetic seal between the carbon core and the glass sheathing allows usage of these electrodes in any environment. Microelectrodes are manufactured using two sizes and types of carbon fibers as shown in the data sheet. Standard lengths are described; other lengths are available on special orders. Mating female sockets are provided or use our adaptors M2334 for BNC-input (Dagan, npi) or M2335 for HLU-type (Axon) headstages.