Error message

  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property PictureMapping::$id is deprecated in PictureMapping->__set() (line 374 of /data/19/3/131/23/3783186/user/4203962/htdocs/sites/default/modules/picture/includes/PictureMapping.php).
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property PictureMapping::$table is deprecated in PictureMapping->__set() (line 374 of /data/19/3/131/23/3783186/user/4203962/htdocs/sites/default/modules/picture/includes/PictureMapping.php).
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property PictureMapping::$type is deprecated in PictureMapping->__set() (line 374 of /data/19/3/131/23/3783186/user/4203962/htdocs/sites/default/modules/picture/includes/PictureMapping.php).
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property PictureMapping::$export_type is deprecated in PictureMapping->__set() (line 374 of /data/19/3/131/23/3783186/user/4203962/htdocs/sites/default/modules/picture/includes/PictureMapping.php).

US Price List

Prices are in US dollars and do not include shipping charges, insurance, sales tax or customs duties (if applicable). Please place your order by E-mail or fax specifying your P. O. number, shipping and billing addresses as well as the name and phone number of the contact person. Prices are subject to change without notice. Products sold by Kation Scientific are for experimental purposes that do not involve human subjects. 

Order address:

Kation Scientific

2010 East Hennepin Avenue
Suite 8-103, Mailbox 60
Minneapolis, MN 55413

Phone/Fax: 651-698-5167

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